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Showing posts from January, 2013

Quick Tips on Distribution Deals: How "Not" To Get Robbed of Your Product

If you are an independent filmmaker here's some tips on the deals you can vie for when negotiating with a distribution company. For your first deal, try for a 50/50 split, the distribution company makes the product and place it in stores, called a PMD (Product, Marketing, Distribution) deal. Distribution companies do very little marketing for indie films, that's really up to you to push your film as hard as you can. If you do market your film it will be to websites, radio mainly. Most will offer 20/80 royalty deal which is crappy for filmmakers, but it puts your product out to the world. On this deal you can try for an advance payment, 10, 20 or 30 thousand dollars on delivery of the film. Most will talk their way to giving you nothing. At that point you're literally signing your movie away. Another option is half on delivery and half on street date (Tuesday the DVD drops). FYI: They God of war starts battles on Tuesday, which is why all products are released on Tuesday. ...

Launch of Web Series Adult Day Care

Adult Day Care We Series Launch As promised DA Vision Pictures is launching its new web series Adult Day Care. I, Derick Thomas developed the show about workplace antics a year ago during the filming of my latest feature, Raising Wolves. If you’ve ever had a full time job for more than a few months than you can relate to some of the odd, strange and sometimes perplexing events that happen in the workplace. This year I decided to jump in front of the camera a bit and take on a role in the web series. Acting has always been a passion of mine and I’m naturally funny or use to being laughed at with reticule. However, both acting and directing will prove to be adventurous at best as the series tackles countless problems about the workplace. The title speaks for itself. Adults can behave like children 23 three hours out of a day it seems, the 5 O’clock news is evidence of that. Why I chose the workplace you may ask because the workplace for many is a second family and for a growing n...