True story: Many years ago, I went to a Christmas function at a Lutheran Church to raise money for homeless women shelter. The choir was singing. Everyone was polite and well dressed. They were serving food at the end of the ceremony. An African American homeless man had come into the church down stairs and used the rest room to wash himself up. I guess some of the guest had encountered him becau se the whispers started circling the room at how awful the bathroom smelled. The man came up stairs and joined the party. He had cleaned himself so much so that I didn't realized I was talking with the homeless man. He had on a clean shirt and shorts. Mind you when I looked at him I saw something was a miss with he clothes but really it went over my head because the man was articulate and fairly young. I would say late 30's. I was thinking to myself, hey maybe he just fell on hard times. It happens to the best of us. Right? So, the homeless man helped himself to some fo...