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Showing posts from 2014

Echovox Ghost Box App Test. Its REAL, Actually Works!

DA Vision Entertainment Releases a teaser for the new short film Blue Light City starring Oscar Gary, Roger Clay, Stephen R. Tatum and Nelson Irizarry. The release of the film will be in January of 2015. Stay tuned.

Identical Twin Sisters Who Share Boyfriend

Urantia Book

I'm realizing that the things I like people love so I'll let you in my world a wittle bit by posting somethings that a I really enjoy. So first let me introduce most of you if I haven't turned you on to this already. The Urantia Book. I've done several presentations in college and grad school on passages out of the Urantia Book. Check this book out. Urantia Book, is a book that was written by outer world entities through a human woman named  Lena Sadler.  You can read the book online for free. It now belongs to the planet after 2006. This book talks about the history of the world, Jesus life story, who made us, where we come from, other planets systems who lives there, where we are in the universe and much much more. If you're open minded enough it provides answers to the basic human questions that has plagued mankind for centuries. Enjoy.

Birdman Inspired Me!

I went to see Birdman. It inspires! The artistic filmmaking of Alejandro González Iñárritu says one thing, "Master of the art form of film making". What command he has over the performer. Boy! I was inspire, I laughed my ass off at all the balls jokes. It was silly, deep and at points emotionally moving. Birdman wins but more importantly it inspires, or should inspire filmmakers such as myself to reach for new heights. Often I see filmmakers trying to mimic styles of other filmmakers when Alejandro makes it cool just to be you. Wow! I know at least a nomination is coming. On another note I watched some pretty amazing trailers before the film. The art house film world has some pretty cool films about to hit the market. I only hope to join the ranks with Lucid Dreams. See ya at the theater. Center seat, middle row.

Interstellar Movie - Official Trailer 3

If you want to feel how insignificant money and materialistic the world is today go see Interstellar. For 2 hours and 49 minutes this film will take you on an epic journey to save mankind but it just might save your soul along the way. I felt overwhelmed by the theory of gravity but more so by the fact that mankind could actually be destroying earth now and one day force us to leave and find a new home amongst the stars. I truly would like to travel to Mars but for now Interstellar is the closets i will get. Great movie! Great conversation piece. This is what inspires me and touches my soul. I so want mankind to do better and be better. I hope we can fix this world and not have to search the known galaxies in search for a new home to just realize we have a great right here. Cherrio for now. I'll see you at the theater. Middle row, center seat.

Nightcrawler Teaser Trailer #1 (2014) - Jake Gyllenhaal Movie HD

If you thought Jake Gyllenhaal was a weird buy before "NightCrawler". You'll most certainly be creeped out by his performance is this awkwardly addictive thriller ride. I was mesmerized by his performance and lou and boy did he deliver. By the end I couldn't decided was he either methodical or just a sociopath with a camera. This film is going into my collection. I'll be sure to watch this only when supervised. Until next time. See you at the theater. Middle row, center seat. Cherrio!
If you're an film buff like me then you'll either love an avantgarde tail of weirdness like Under The Skin by director Jonathan Glazer. This film struck me as outer edge from it's intro but I like that sort of style where filmmaker aren't afraid to do something different. It's a refreshing break from commercial noise and polished special FX. I really enjoyed how under the skin used filmic metaphors to symbolized events. It truly reminds you that you are watching a movie and not being told the action. Speaking of watching. If you like dialogue,you may want to pass on this film. There wasn't hardly any acting which kept me watching. The casting call description must have been interesting. You'll understand once you've seen the movie. This film may loose you if you are use to being able to tell where the story's going. It's not predictable and can seem like its wandering but strange as it was I was intrigued by the main character played by Scarlett ...

The hard Truth about The World We Live in

True story: Many years ago, I went to a Christmas function at a Lutheran Church to raise money for homeless women shelter. The choir was singing. Everyone was polite and well dressed. They were serving food at the end of the ceremony. An African American homeless man had come into the church down stairs and used the rest room to wash himself up. I guess some of the guest had encountered him becau se the whispers started circling the room at how awful the bathroom smelled. The man came up stairs and joined the party. He had cleaned himself so much so that I didn't realized I was talking with the homeless man. He had on a clean shirt and shorts. Mind you when I looked at him I saw something was a miss with he clothes but really it went over my head because the man was articulate and fairly young. I would say late 30's. I was thinking to myself, hey maybe he just fell on hard times. It happens to the best of us. Right? So, the homeless man helped himself to some fo...

Raising Wolves Redbox Trailer (+playlist)

Being Competitive Stinks.

The pursuit of happyness is about balance



Do You Have Will Power!



Responsibility is a Big Word. No Shit!

Happy New year 2014