If you're an film buff like me then you'll either love an avantgarde tail of weirdness like Under The Skin by director Jonathan Glazer. This film struck me as outer edge from it's intro but I like that sort of style where filmmaker aren't afraid to do something different. It's a refreshing break from commercial noise and polished special FX. I really enjoyed how under the skin used filmic metaphors to symbolized events. It truly reminds you that you are watching a movie and not being told the action. Speaking of watching. If you like dialogue,you may want to pass on this film. There wasn't hardly any acting which kept me watching. The casting call description must have been interesting. You'll understand once you've seen the movie. This film may loose you if you are use to being able to tell where the story's going. It's not predictable and can seem like its wandering but strange as it was I was intrigued by the main character played by Scarlett Johansson. Her performance was a leap from her usually hot girl next door roles. All in all I enjoyed the escape into Glazer's weird mind. A refreshing break from Hollywood franchise films is always a plus for me. See you on my next movie review.
Respect Deserves No Applause I wonder what happened to the days where you treat people how you want to be treated. In all fairness I’m a little young to have experience that age being a child of the 70’s. I didn’t see a lot of it growing up but there was some left. However, I’m still old enough to know what respect is, what it should look like and feel like and to be honest I’m not seeing a lot of it lately. For instance, I contacted an upwardly mobile person of business and of some celebrity for potential business opportunity via the internet of course and was given the viral cold shoulder. Now, in all fairness I know they have people coming to them all the time with ideas and it could be hard to vet who’s serious. I didn’t think I came off aloof but you never know what someone is thinking or the opinion they formed about you based on what little information they had. I’m no outsider to the film industry; however I am clearly not an insider in this person’s mind so the p...
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