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Too Much Pressure to Compete!

This story really bothers me because Lee Thompson Young was the prime example of a person wanting to be in the biz and he pursued his passions and was successful at obtaining that dream. I'm not sure what happened but I'd like to address the mental and physical stress the comes along with chasing "THE DREAM". which I for one am guilty of. Life is about balance, weights and measures. I know ambition is the new sexy but please DON'T take on more than YOU can handle. Don't try to compete, or keep up with the Joneses. Far too many of us are over reaching pass the breaking point. That fast (FAST: Feasting on ALL Stimulating Temptations) life isn't for everyone, no matter the level of success. In this life you must KNOW THY SELF. Know your limits. Instead of competing, just create for the joy of it and if you want to be better, then be better than you were before. It's only when you start looking around at others (facebook) that you begin to lose your sense of self in the fearful never ending opinions. I'm running my race. I don't need to be like Tyler Perry in order to consider myself successful. I'm successful because I enjoy what I do. I found (happy-ness) being me and not trying to be what others want me to be. Don't get lost in the opinions around you.,,20726783,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines


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